Arcade Prehacks


Type: Posts; User: shadowwolf1917

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  1. Re: Has Anyone been around long enough to know the REAL shoubox?

    Your in a separate generation, you joined about a year after I did. Do you remember the vgking saga? About his Xbox?
  2. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    Yeah, but I heard something about new weapons if you collect coins or something. Maybe it is another AC game, but I think it's that one.
  3. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    Yeah, and if you get the coins in it you can hook it to your PS3 and get new weapons to use.
  4. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    No, I'm talking about the PSP version. I didn't think it would be that great.
  5. Replies

    Re: Newgrounds

    How would you even start doing it?
  6. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    And for the Xbox 360. Well, the reviews on says they it is a pretty good game actually. I'm surprised.
  7. Replies

    Re: Newgrounds

    You would have to have memory for it. Besides, they probably have enough encryption on it to keep out the government.
  8. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    I doubt it was any good, especially for PSP, that seems a little arkward.
  9. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    I have the thick PSP, not a slim one. Either I got ripped off, or they didn't come with that model.
  10. Re: Has Anyone been around long enough to know the REAL shoubox?

    Yeah, but it was just me reminiscing on my past. And I wanted to see if anyone knows if they read theses posts.
  11. Replies

    Re: Martin needs help - badly!

    If there's anything I've learned, most forever together's aren't forever, but there a some instances when it's true, and I wish Martin luck that they are forever together.
  12. Replies

    Re: Martin needs help - badly!

    Yeah, but you want to have something very very special and memorable, like putting a nice quote on it.
  13. Re: Has Anyone been around long enough to know the REAL shoubox?

    So I've heard, and he does seem pretty cool. I can't exactly remember what kind of shoutbox it was, all I know is that for Mods to log in, you had to click on a little Omega icon in the top right...
  14. Re: Has Anyone been around long enough to know the REAL shoubox?

    I was the best Mod they had, no one got by me, and I was on nearly 6 hours a day. That was when school was easy, and I didn't have a care in the world.
  15. Re: Has Anyone been around long enough to know the REAL shoubox?

    Oh, will there be mod's on it? Because if so, I used to be one, but when the Shoutbox closed down, I lost my job on this site.
  16. Replies

    Re: HELP I'M NEW

    We need a link to the games, and if you want, you can give us the hacks that you want, but you don't have to.
  17. Has Anyone been around long enough to know the REAL shoubox?

    I was looking at the note the Global Shoutbox moderators, and I realized, hey, those were some good days. I used to be a Mod of it, banned plenty of people for spamming smiley's and crap after I told...
  18. Replies

    Re: please hack project:princess

    Since when was it not a requirement? That's a little weird.
  19. Replies

    Re: please hack project:princess

    Hasn't this already been asked for? If it hasn't, you still need to tell what hacks you want.
  20. Re: Whta is your fave video game for the psp?

    I haven't never heard of those cables. Can you get them at Wal-Mart, or maybe a K-Mart (that's how small my town is, no Super Wal-Mart, but we have a Big K-Mart, it sucks)? And how much are they?
  21. Replies

    Re: Martin needs help - badly!

    Sounds like a perfect idea, but engraving can cost a little bit of money, or at least the engravings I've seen.
  22. Replies

    Re: Newgrounds

    Not really, all you have to do is experience your ten experience points a day, to gain levels, and to gain blam/save ranks, all you have to do is vote on Under Judgment content. if you vote 0-1 and...
  23. Replies

    Poll: Re: Emulators/ROMs

    Well, in the ZSNES you have to enter your own cheats, but nine times out of ten, the Project64 will have some great cheats.
  24. Replies

    Re: Martin needs help - badly!

    She wants it to be very memorable.
  25. Replies


    How many people actually know who they are? If you know them, post your favorite song here. For me, I like any song on their newest album Liebe ist für alle da, and the album Sehnsucht. Oh, who am I...
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