CREDIT GOES TO USER - Metanaito. At Play -ESCAPE- at

1.Go to Mickey's body. Open his jacket and take the BIBLE. Pull up his sleeve to take his WRISTWATCH.
2.Click the bible in your inventory at the top, click again to open it. Click the ID CARD and the bible again to exit. Click the ID card to find out that Mickey has been in cahoots with Dan all along. Click the ID card to exit, and then click "Cancel Item" in the far top right.
3.Exit to the upper right, and click on the bed. Take the COINS underneath the pillow, the NAIL on the wall next to the left side of the bed, and the TOWEL from the bottom of the bed. You should see the green towel from where you are.
4.Exit and face the shower. Take the BLUE BOTTLE (if you want; it's not actually needed to finish the game). Then click the toilet and unscrew the toilet seat with the gold coin. Take the TOILET SEAT.
5.Exit to the upper right and go to the sink. Notice the sink handle is missing, but make sure you click on where it's supposed to be or else you can't advance. Stop the sink up with the silver coin. Exit again and face the bars.
6.Examine the cell across from you. Talk to the guy standing there. His name is Jason. When you get a long list of pictures, click on the sink handle picture next to his head. Exit the conversation and click the watch in your inventory. Click his head with the watch to trade for the sink handle.Put the sink handle on the sink and start the water running. Exit and look down to see the drain. When the water starts overflowing, put the blanket over the drain.
7.Turn to face the bars, but don't zoom in on Jason. Ring the bell on the right to have the guard slip and fall. Click on him to take his GUN, his KNIFE, and the KEY to your cell. Use the key on the door lock on the right to get out.
8.Turn right and open up Jason's cell. Talk to him to have him pin you against the wall. Use the knife to bring him down.
9.Re-enter Jason's cell and take the LAMP.Run Mickey's ID card through the card renewal slot on the wall. Exit Jason's cell at the bottom left.
10.Open up the door to the storage room with the renewed keycard. Go in.
11.Turn right and take the PICTURE. Turn right twice and keep clicking on the discolored part of the wall until it breaks away.
12.Put the nail directly above the square hole in the wall, and use the toilet seat as a hammer. Put the lamp in the square hole and turn it on. Put the picture on top of that.
13.Turn left twice and click on the spot the lamp illuminates. Click the EVIDENCE to take it. Watch the next cutscene.
14. (Fight Merik)
15.Turn left and examine the light. Take the KEY. Exit the scene and turn left. Click the floor next to the safe and take the RED MICROCHIP. Return to the view of the safe.
16.Click the clock, and then the minute hand. Take the YELLOW MICROCHIP. Exit.
17.Click the ceiling and take the BLUE MICROCHIP. Exit.
18.Click the wall next to the safe to reveal a lock in the wall. Change the chamber colors to green, blue, and purple respectively (the wall colors of the rooms you escaped from), and use the key to open it. Place all the microchips in their respective slots and exit.
19.Turn to the door and click on the vent. Open it to get a TURQUOISE KEY. Go back to the microchips and take the red one away. Exit again and open the vent to find the safe code. Go to the safe and open it with the code and the key. Take your ID CARD and watch the ending cutscene.

Again, Credit Goes to Metanaito at

PS- I searched the search function for the "Escape Walkthrough" an i never found any. If there already was an Escape Walkthrough please tell me.