I don't care if there's a topic about this because this is way different.
I don't care if you celebrate Halloween but you totally should -> it's one of the bestest days in the year to partheyyy and have fun timezz!!

So what are you gonna do here? Well since I just heard there are a boatloads of parties already going on even though officially Halloween's not here -> You need to post pictures of YOURSELF (not get some google image photo and be like 'I wanna be that').

I'm currently waiting for my new DC shoes to arrive on Monday and I'll upload a few pics to share with you guys!

Otherwise a party I'm going on is the one at 29th in Toronto,with bunch of friends. After that I'm heading at my old school for a dance.
We're all dressing up the same theme.

Now idk how much you appreciate or celebrate it,but for me it always been a day for having crazy-ass fun and get drunk.

Yes,I sticked it because I expect a lot of people to post their pictures here,we'll compare,compliment & lightly criticize.