Of course, follow the regular rules of the forum. No spam, warez (torrents, especially of the games you're discussing), bumping, or pornographic games.

Here are some specific rules:
  • No generalizing. Don't make topics about a whole system/company/website (ex: Xbox 360/Gearbox/Newgrounds), unless there is a new system coming out.
  • Do not post topics about help getting a game to work, unless a topic about the game already exists. If you do need help, go to Spam and ask there.
  • Don't post walkthroughs for games in this section. If you wish to post a walkthrough, post it in this section.
  • No double topics. If there is a topic about a game that has been dead for over 7 days, PM a Global Mod or Forum Helper for permission to bump.
  • If there is a mature game that has pornographic content in it but that is not the main purpose of the game (such as Dante's Inferno), you may discuss that game, but you may not talk about the adult content in it.
  • No console wars. Keep your opinion about a console to yourself.
  • Don't request hacking consoles. Don't request how to hack a console like jailbreaking.

Staff, feel free to add more rules/add on to the current rules as needed.