The glorious hill. The hill of all hills. Why is this hill so special? I don't know, and neither does anyone else around you.

You have one single task: capture the hill.


1. Use your imagination and your creativity to capture the hill in anyway possible, that can be thought of. They have to make some sort of sense and you have to explain how you captured the hill.
2. Don't let things get out of hand, forum-rules wise. Think twice before capturing the hill in anyway blatantly offensive.
3. Everytime you claim the hill, you must say "My Hill!" to signify that you are the current King of the Hill.
4. You can only claim the hill from the last poster, and you have to mention their name in your post.


Person 1: I walk up the hill and build forts around the hill. My hill!
Person 2: Person 2 stabs Person 1 in the gut, does a rain dance, and takes over the forts. My hill!

I'll start this.

Powerman dances up the hill and plays the bagpipes, summoning Scottish soldiers to guard the hill while he sleeps on the top of the hill in a comfy king-sized bed.