Arcade Prehacks

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  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Oct 2015

    Question Hacking/modifying flash games loaded in the browser?

    Hi all,

    First of all, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this question. But I didn't find a forum for such questions.

    So, I've been busy for some time now on hacking/modifying flash games, by downloading the swf file, using sothlink decompiler, and changing bytes/opcodes using HxD.
    And I am getting the hang of it (if I may say so myself).

    But this way, I can only play this game from my local computer. The next step I wanted to do, is to make the same modifications on online games. For example, if I open a game on armor games in my browser, I tried searching for the same bytes/opcodes (using cheat engine), but I can't find them.
    I thought that when opening a game in a browser, the entire swf is loaded in the browser, and I would be able to edit it.

    Any ways on how to do this?

    Kind regards

  2. #2
    Super Moderator ZuckeR's Avatar
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    Feb 2010
    You have to make sure that you target the right process. With flash you usually do not target the browser itself but another process. When using Firefox this process is called plugin-container.exe and there could be more than one. If you have the right process and the game is the same version as your local copy it should work.

  3. #3
    Senior Member W4N73D1's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Spippo View Post
    Hi all,

    First of all, I'm not sure if this is the correct place to put this question. But I didn't find a forum for such questions.

    So, I've been busy for some time now on hacking/modifying flash games, by downloading the swf file, using sothlink decompiler, and changing bytes/opcodes using HxD.
    And I am getting the hang of it (if I may say so myself).

    But this way, I can only play this game from my local computer. The next step I wanted to do, is to make the same modifications on online games. For example, if I open a game on armor games in my browser, I tried searching for the same bytes/opcodes (using cheat engine), but I can't find them.
    I thought that when opening a game in a browser, the entire swf is loaded in the browser, and I would be able to edit it.

    Any ways on how to do this?

    Kind regards
    Hello There i can help you with this as i know not alot of people know about this but
    first things first you need to download Fiddler , with fiddler theres an area where you put your swf , next you go to the site of the game you got the swf from and fiddler will be logging all of the pages requests you will see the swf of the original swf in that list now go to the area where you put your swf theres a textbox on the bottom that says like REG or something like that replace that with the original swf name and save then check your swf checkbox in fiddler and enable it then refresh , now everytime it finds the original swf name it replaces it with your modded one (only for you) now you can use your hacked swf on armor games site and your score should count... i used to do this with Yoville on facebook the only reason i know how to do this is because of that.. i can possibly post a more in depth tutorial as right now that was just a quick go though, im not going to be too active on this site anymore as it seems Dead and im busy hacking/modifying Android apps as of right now im making a modded kik and working with a team to modify a screen recording app to remove the watermark and add onto the app ourselves as a custom update only for our team..

  4. #4
    Junior Member TheoprasturHigh's Avatar
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    Apr 2022
    Why would you dare to be hacking someone's intelectual property? This is illegal! If you are so clever, develop your own game, or even a bunch of games, claim the copyright and sell in an online store!

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