Transformers Truck Hacked

lightbutton Play Transformers Truck Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 07, 2011 20745 Plays Racing 5.11 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Increased Sparks being loaded on every level - Only 1 spark needed to pass a level - Start with 500 seconds every levels

Game Information
Transformers are here to help the humans and save our race, see if you can help them by delivering all of the goods to the US military base. Autobots Roll Out!

Game controls: Use Arrow keys to drive.

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Nanang's avatar
Nanang      (more than a year ago)

Best Game

tolyam's avatar
tolyam      (more than a year ago)

I like is game. Is boring and good game

Borntodeath09's avatar
Borntodeath09      (more than a year ago)


pheonix007's avatar
pheonix007      (more than a year ago)

no othere hackers is best than select lol and devepetty

karateboy203's avatar
karateboy203      (more than a year ago)

if u see a blank comment click show users posts.

gumball123's avatar
gumball123      (more than a year ago)

Guys, don't thumb down those blank comments you see, just click "show user's posts" okay? Because they could have good comments that are being ignored because of the thumb downs. And by the way try and spread this.

Mujtaba5599's avatar
Mujtaba5599     (more than a year ago)

Where is it written show users comments?

ALENATOR01's avatar
ALENATOR01      (more than a year ago)

i flipped and still had the cube with me!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!! Nyan cat is filling dah interwebz...

Gropaga's avatar
Gropaga      (more than a year ago)

Massive lag

stickman212's avatar
stickman212      (more than a year ago)

good game but could be better

boysprofile's avatar
boysprofile      (more than a year ago)

needs all levels

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