Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
10x more Health "Each Upgrade" - All power-ups only cost 1 note - All power-ups enabled - Survival mode unlocked after first actual wave of enemies defeated "Not tutorial wave, but the second wave" - NOTE: Don't collide with enemy bosses or instant death!
Game Information
Between the Front Runner and eternal space-clarinet bliss stands an army of bullying aliens that don't quite seem to grasp the higher concepts of ultra-improve.
Use your mouse to make the Front Runner ship follow you around. It will shoot automatically. Don't forget to upgrade your ship and weapons between levels!
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle player health - [2] DNA - [3] Togg...
Hacked By: selectLOL
super ta gra jest 10/10 i do ulu XD :)
One of the Most Boring and dumb Games I have ever played.
But the Song Is Decent.
qUITE nIcE..!!!
Boring meter broke catastrophicaly.But great hacker.
good,fun,amazing,BORING(becouse i sleep while playing this when i was still awake it was about 3:32 then i sleep and woke up about 6:00 OMFG I WASTED my 2hrs and 18 mins of my life
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