MoneySeize Hacked

lightbutton Play MoneySeize Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Apr 25, 2011 10304 Plays Arcade 32.82 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hack Bar: 1 Toogle moon jump on/off "Multiple air jumps" - 2 Unlock all levels (you need to complete one level)

Game Information
Sir Reginald Money Seize II, Esq. must collect coins to fund construction of the tallest tower in the world!

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DavidEpicLol's avatar
DavidEpicLol      (more than a year ago)

invincibility kthxbai

panda2525252525's avatar
panda2525252525      (more than a year ago)

good game with good hack

abcbum's avatar
abcbum      (more than a year ago)

if you go right to the top where there is floating grass jump up higher for a extra level

pikkususi's avatar
pikkususi      (more than a year ago)

did u notice when that guy jumps there comes heart...

droopy67's avatar
droopy67      (more than a year ago)


Nitrohan's avatar
Nitrohan      (more than a year ago)

Game is funny. Good hack, thanks.

TilenGO's avatar
TilenGO      (more than a year ago)

good hack

TilenGO's avatar
TilenGO     (more than a year ago)

ArcadePreHacks rocks...
Thumbs up if you agree!

shiny's avatar
shiny     (more than a year ago)

awesome game Thumbs up if you agree! .................................................. .................................................. .................................

love2cheat's avatar
love2cheat      (more than a year ago)

nicish game nicish music, hack hmm ok fat man pharts to fly but still too fat to miss the spikes so still hard needs invincibility kthxbye.

Izmile's avatar
Izmile      (more than a year ago)

Arcadeprehacks rocks
thumbs up if u agree

Monio09's avatar
Monio09      (more than a year ago)

Good game Good hack and good hacke :D

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