Goin Up Hacked

lightbutton Play Goin Up Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 08, 2011 103704 Plays Arcade 4.72 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: 1 Skulls (money) - 2 Health - 3 Star power - 4 Lightning power - 5 Toggle infinite double jump (you need the double jump upgrade or Mario skin to use this hack)

Game Information
Goin up! Climb as high as you can, unlocking everything possible!
Explore the wonderful worlds, and KILL EVERYTHING YOU SEE

arrows, space, P for pause, M for mute, Q for quality control, R to reset

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CatKaneki102205's avatar
CatKaneki102205      (more than a year ago)

rip flash

AliMardanli's avatar
AliMardanli      (more than a year ago)

My best score is 89.253

AliMardanli's avatar
AliMardanli      (more than a year ago)

loldavidlol your profile is SANS

shadowstreets3's avatar
shadowstreets3      (more than a year ago)

going up i see

NickPaes's avatar
NickPaes      (more than a year ago)

Best game

TITANCRUSHER45      (more than a year ago)

like if u think loading screen is fuked up to

Hbnopton's avatar
Hbnopton     (more than a year ago)


kulchawarrior's avatar
kulchawarrior      (more than a year ago)

how 2 get the other Rufus skins???

adjie's avatar
adjie      (more than a year ago)

sorry i cannot write the "Infinity" symbol (i copy from google translate) so i already write it but the system erase it.

adjie's avatar
adjie      (more than a year ago)

blah... boring.
It's very boring if you want to continue this until level .
It takes about years.

Hotdogz's avatar
Hotdogz      (more than a year ago)

Thumbs UP this if you read comments while the game loads

iFamous1455's avatar
iFamous1455     (more than a year ago)

misspell lmao

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