Militia Wars Hacked

lightbutton Play Militia Wars Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 13, 2011 9626 Plays Shooting 5.15 MB

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Key Hacks: Press H Infinite Health (Press on each new lvl) - B 9999 Ammo - E Refill Health & Turn off Infinite Health

Game Information
You are elite militia officer and you have to use covers to eliminate all mercenaries on each level in this shooter game.

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cees's avatar
cees      (more than a year ago)

i cant shoot :S

selectLOLhack's avatar
selectLOLhack      (more than a year ago)


old cannon's avatar
old cannon      (more than a year ago)

ive played better

pitbull123's avatar
pitbull123      (more than a year ago)


UnKnOwNPr0's avatar
UnKnOwNPr0      (more than a year ago)

Thumbs up if u think this game is awesome and if ur cool

airbear76's avatar
airbear76      (more than a year ago)

SUPER laggy game

iisbeast's avatar
iisbeast      (more than a year ago)

STUPID LAG!!!!!!!!!

ezzomahfouz's avatar
ezzomahfouz      (more than a year ago)

can i get thumbs up for no reason :(

wasadasdad3000's avatar
wasadasdad3000      (more than a year ago)

dumb game......

jack2222's avatar
jack2222      (more than a year ago)

wow so boring

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