Combat Hero Adventures Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Jun 29, 2011 164215 Plays Shooting 166 B

Hacked By: DPETTY    

Hack Information:
Hack Menu: 12 Gun Buttons - Points +500 - All Guns 50 XP - Health On/Off (Explosives still kill you!) - All Levels Unlocked (Click while in the shop, or reload/refresh the game!) - Note: Please wait for the game to load. It may takes time.)

Requested By: XDR

Game Information
Combat Hero is an intense, action-packed arena shooter in the vein of Unreal Flash but with bright cartoony visuals, colorful characters, a full story with over 16 cutscenes and 10 gorgeously detailed levels!

Experience break- neck action gun fighting at its most fun!
A story mode with 17 cutscenes - some dramatic, most hilarious - and 18 levels. Follow Max on an adventure to avenge his family that takes him across the galaxy and confronts him with a whole host of colorful characters! 6 game modes including: deathmatch, team deathmatch, capture the flag, control point capture, elimination and team elimination! 10 gorgeous, detailed levels (arenas) - fight on ruined worlds, floating space hulk prisons, beautiful and lush new worlds and war torn towns! Over 42 playable characters! Easy, medium and hard to cater for casual to hard core gamers! More than enough to keep the completionists thirsty for more: 12 weapons to unlock!
Gain XP to master each weapon and unlock their gold mode! 16 medals to unlock! Save your progress and play later!

Arrow Keys or WASD to move
Up or 'W' to jump
Down or 'D' to pick up a weapon
Escape to pause

Controls can also be edited from either the pause or main menus.

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Retya's avatar
Retya      (more than a year ago)

All you gotta do is get the homing missile and spam it.

Ooficus's avatar
Ooficus      (more than a year ago)

I used to be a god with the Grenade Launcher, but I lost my old skill sadly.

blazepoke's avatar
blazepoke      (more than a year ago)

The best weapon is the rocket... for me anyway

Drag0neer's avatar
Drag0neer      (more than a year ago)

rest in peace, DPETTY.
I know i'm SUPER DUPER late, but you were a legend. Us arcadeprehacks players praised you of your intelligence, we will never forget your great hacks and will help you push through hard times.

TonyGamer2's avatar
TonyGamer2     (more than a year ago)


kill12312's avatar
kill12312      (more than a year ago)

Smallcok XD

kill12312's avatar
kill12312      (more than a year ago)

Asomeee Awsome So cool PLAY MY GAMES ON SCRATCH!!!!!!!!!

blueknife6921's avatar
blueknife6921      (more than a year ago)


creatorjude's avatar
creatorjude      (more than a year ago)

great hacking skills

GiveMeTheZucc's avatar
GiveMeTheZucc      (more than a year ago)

Jay Armstrong games are great

candohuey's avatar
candohuey      (more than a year ago)

guys when u hold a weapon there is a secret smiley creepy face D:

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