Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Health - 2 Instant reload - 3 Money - 4 Unlock all guns (You may have to refresh the shop) - 5 Unlock all levels (You may have to refresh the screen)
Game Information
15 levels of shooting with 10 types of aliens and 8 guns on a futuristic space station with class.
NOTE: As I tested the game, hacked and unhacked,I noticed the game doesn't work with Internet Explorer. Please use Fire fox to play it!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode - [D] Toggle Life
Hacked By: leverage419
good game and hack, gets boring after a bit tho
selectlol hacks alot of games of which the majority arn't that good but his ability to hack alot of games is stronger than dpetty.I MISS MARTIN RISTOV
k8nnyta don't call selectLOL a noob hacker, he's not. Not even gonna go into how dumb you must be to say that! Game is fun, hacks are great I would say it's a 5/5 easy!
i think this game works in Google chrome..
dpetty do good games but selectLOL is invincible
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