Truck Loader 3 Hacked

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Oct 23, 2011 20257 Plays Puzzle 2.32 MB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
All levels unlocked.

Game Information
Here comes the third part of a little but strong Truck Loader! This time our yellow hero will meet with new puzzles and find out new abilities during all 30 extremely exciting levels. Explosive boxes, ramps and a small surprise for truck loader fans .

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Kdesikdosi's avatar
Kdesikdosi      (more than a year ago)

level 13 is dumb because the box bounces back

verader009's avatar
verader009      (more than a year ago)

Kill the jump

verader009's avatar
verader009      (more than a year ago)


verader009's avatar
verader009      (more than a year ago)

Awesome game

Don't hack: Naturo Hack: Next Papa game

DanielPinna's avatar
DanielPinna      (more than a year ago)

Woof! SelectLOL is the best hacker of the world Woof!

By: Daniel Pinna the dog

trollzer's avatar
trollzer      (more than a year ago)

this game is awesome SELECTLOL is a master of hacks

alan4172's avatar
alan4172      (more than a year ago)

slectlol is EPIC thumbs up if u agree

Thundermonkey08's avatar
Thundermonkey08     (more than a year ago)

Haha it's funny because normally if someone said "thumbs up if you agree" everyone would pelt you with dislikes but when we are talking about selectLOL we all agree.

rainbowsix's avatar
rainbowsix     (more than a year ago)


zombieslyr21's avatar
zombieslyr21      (more than a year ago)

luv this game frickin awesome almost as fun as zombie slaying

verader009's avatar
verader009     (more than a year ago)

I HATE ZOMBIE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

verader009's avatar
verader009     (more than a year ago)

except pvz (plants vs zombies)

dan022's avatar
dan022      (more than a year ago)

the best of the best

skull boy's avatar
skull boy      (more than a year ago)

FINNALY SelectLol hacked this game!!!!!
I love this game!!!!!!!!!!!!

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