Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Money - 2 Lives
Game Information
Defend your base from furiously approaching enemy tanks. You got turrets that are upgradable in damage power, shooting radius, and fire frequency.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Health - [D] Toggle Power - [F] T...
Hacked By: leverage419
dude selectLOL is a beast
select lol is awesome
have a big e-tarquin eh?
8 MAPS (10-15 Waves per Map), 4 TOWER TYPES (2 of each - 8 Total Towers). Overall Game 3/5 (OK but a bit boring), Hack 5/5 (gives you what you need) - Good Job selectLOL !!
**GAME NOTE: Final "Victory" Screen
Game ends with a final "Victory" screen but NO WAY TO RESTART GAME so in order to replay (if you wish to) you MUST REFRESH BROWSER.
**GAME TIP: Speed Up Game Play
The ENEMY UNITS spawn and move SLOWLY (IMHO), so to speed up game (as much as you can) place MULTIPLE TOWERS at MAP ENTRANCE. There is NO game "Double Speed" option.
O.K. Tower Defense game. Made much better with the hack. Thanks selectLOL
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