Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle Health - 2 Add 5 Minutes - 3 Add 5 Lives
Game Information
Play this truck game and feel the adrenaline that surrounds you. Smash every car or any other obstacle that stands in your way because your truck is fitted with huge wheels. The game has 4 levels but you only get 5 lives. Use them carefully because if you run out of lives, the game is over.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Lives - [D] Toggle Time
Hacked By: leverage419
R.I.P DPetty your legacy still remains in 2022
Still remembering you Dave Petty in 2017
Final Game For Dave Petty
also. this comment is hacked thumbs up twice
lol ikr
Dpetty's Last Hacked Game Before He Died... I Wish The Hospitals Were Able To Recover Dead People... I MISS DPETTY SO MUCH!!!
We Need Alan Probe/Amateur Surgeon!
how did he die?
He had cancer. :(
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