Ponder Hacked

lightbutton Play Ponder Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Oct 28, 2011 4392 Plays Arcade 42.76 KB

Hacked By: Blank    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Add Gold (10-1000) - 2 Add XP (5-200) (Hacks work in shop only!)

Game Information
The Gladelings of the popular Facebook game bearing the same name, are collecting precious stones and metals; they love shinies. They have ventured to Vanua, a land covered in ponds. Help your Gladeling team by guiding the found gems to the opposite side of the pond.

Watch out for various enemies! Hit them with mudballs if you can to knock them down.

Use earned XP and money to purchase upgrades and equipment for your Gladelings.

Mouse - Move Bouncer Gladeline left and right
Left Click - Launch gem/mudball higher

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EzioJoe's avatar
EzioJoe      (more than a year ago)

Ferst to say Ferst.

Parbow's avatar
Parbow      (more than a year ago)

Whooaaaaa. I haven't been on ArcadePreHacks for weeks. Got back on today, and WHOA did APH have a major update. I LOVE the new look of APH :))))

MasterDoom's avatar
MasterDoom      (more than a year ago)

Ummm... OK.. I Guess...

Nothing special (and a bit boring). Overall Game 3/5 (Ok but not great), Hack 5/5 (I was able to fully UPGRADE) - Good Job Blank !!

Mexanik's avatar
Mexanik      (more than a year ago)

Freezes after full loading bar : Me unhappy.

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