Tech and Magic Hacked

lightbutton Play Tech and Magic Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Mar 12, 2012 39251 Plays Defence 38.72 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle mana - 3 Money

Game Information
Select enemy to set up target for Wizard auto attack.
To select enemy click it or hold down mouse button and move over.
To select spell use mouse or hotkeys Q,W,E,R. To cast selected spell click on enemies area.
To earn more money try to kill more enemies at once!
Q - lightning spell
W - firebal spell
E - frost spell
R - shield spell
Spacebar - open shop

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caba's avatar
caba      (more than a year ago)

veigar no mana to ult :(

Blzertrat's avatar
Blzertrat      (more than a year ago)

click plus if you think he is Veigar in league of legends and minus if you think its the little basic flying monster dude from kingdom hearts

petar2003's avatar
petar2003      (more than a year ago)

coll game

oliver411's avatar
oliver411      (more than a year ago)

lol purpel start icon look's like VEIGAR the grown op minion ;D

ghghg's avatar
ghghg      (more than a year ago)

he looks like veigar in league of legends

gabidou's avatar
gabidou      (more than a year ago)


myhackerlol's avatar
myhackerlol      (more than a year ago)


daan407's avatar
daan407      (more than a year ago)

its just sooo boriing

killer6432's avatar
killer6432     (more than a year ago)

daan407 and wizard241 if it is boring why you play this game?

ExtremeGreen1's avatar
ExtremeGreen1      (more than a year ago)

why do i stuck at 86%??? can anybody tell me

DeviousShadows's avatar
DeviousShadows      (more than a year ago)

personally i like brand over veigar

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