Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Key Hacks: Press 1 Next Level - 2 Previous Level
Game Information
You are a angel arranged by the God to protect little boy. Help him to remove barriers for his healthy growing.
Game controls: This game is played by mouse only.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle missiles - [2] Toggle rocket fuel ...
Hacked By: selectLOL
lo pase sin el hack :D
i only had 2 skip 1
Like a clown I put on a show
The pain is real even if nobody knows
And I'm cryin' inside
And nobody knows it but me
Why didn't I say, the things I needed to say
How could I let my angel get away
This guy randomly becomes emu. lol
I hope it will be fun
Lolz. Funny ending. :D
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