Hack Information:
You can draw 101 of each box, everytime you die you get a life, 999999999999 energy
Game Information
Move through the levels as you use colored pencils to draw items to help you kill and reach the end.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle health - [2] Units - [3] Recruit u...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle unit health - [2] Toggle building ...
Hacked By: selectLOL
I Fell Under the Map _ Derp...
@xdemon, I can totally agree with you, some people on this site or just complete idiots. This comment section is worse then Youtube. I'm gonna guess my comment is gonna get over nine thousand dislikes.
there is one type of coment i hate,its those ones that are like
"upvote if _ ,downvote if your gay/wish to die/etc." upvote if you agree with me,downvote if you dont agree with me
thumbs up if u like the music, thumbs down if u hate life and wish to die horribly.
thumbs up if you like this music, thumbs down if U R GAY
I love this music, it is very calming...
if this song make you asleep thumbs up
This is why I listen to Doctor Who themes while I play this game.
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