Bots Strike Hacked

lightbutton Play Bots Strike Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Oct 05, 2012 17672 Plays Strategy 40.56 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press G Toggle player health - H Toggle player buildings health - J Toggle player units health - K Toggle energy - L Money - U Level up

Game Information
Use your strategy to manage a resources to build a Robot armies and upgrade them to add more strength to fight.

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Matty15243's avatar
Matty15243      (more than a year ago)

The game breaks when you press space.

furryletsplays's avatar
furryletsplays      (more than a year ago)

Most broken RTS ever?

furryletsplays's avatar
furryletsplays      (more than a year ago)

How the h*ll do I level up buildings? how the h*ll do I make more buildings or unlock stuff?

wayneo's avatar
wayneo           (more than a year ago)

do med bots work?

geedds's avatar
geedds      (more than a year ago)

To easy even without the hacks.

Sucks that you have to stay on the game or it will pause itself.

halover123456's avatar
halover123456      (more than a year ago)

omg selectlol you rock when will you rule the world?s real id freand

and if you like selectlol like my post im his real id friend!

MRVA69's avatar
MRVA69      (more than a year ago)

nice game!

MrGogg's avatar
MrGogg      (more than a year ago)

@thellamaman:No,selectLOL Rules

thellamaman5's avatar
thellamaman5      (more than a year ago)

selectOL rules!!!!!

DRAGON582's avatar
DRAGON582      (more than a year ago)

Hi Yal

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