Golden Duel Hacked

lightbutton Play Golden Duel Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

May 16, 2014 110743 Plays Shooting 49.78 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle ammo - 3 Money

Game Information
It's High Noon. The sun is shinning high in the sky. It looks like a peaceful normal day when a man silhouette appears on the horizon, in the middle of a dust cloud. Bandits have arrived to Santa Rosa town with foul deeds.

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Dillon1375's avatar
Dillon1375      (more than a year ago)

This game is so good you get to see a black sceen

WazowskiDixon's avatar
WazowskiDixon      (more than a year ago)

Infinity loading..

OnlySPACEZach's avatar
OnlySPACEZach      (more than a year ago)

Still wont load after.... Alot of time?

xXTheGhostXx's avatar
xXTheGhostXx      (more than a year ago)


TheGhost404's avatar
TheGhost404      (more than a year ago)

well back scren!!!!!1!11):[

Diverr's avatar
Diverr      (more than a year ago)

Don't load?

clonect1710's avatar
clonect1710      (more than a year ago)

selectlol is da boss

kingkong1234's avatar
kingkong1234      (more than a year ago)


JaxonUmbaugh's avatar
JaxonUmbaugh      (more than a year ago)

by the way, everyone saying it is easy, IT IS HACKED

martin900t's avatar
martin900t      (more than a year ago)

very easy


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