Army Base Conquer Hacked

lightbutton Play Army Base Conquer Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 15, 2014 70670 Plays Strategy 975 B

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Base Money - 2 Base Lives - 3 Remove Enemy Base Lives -4 Instant Build - 5 Upgrade Points - 6 Win Level

Game Information
Develop your army of war, build barracks, mines, factories and runways, create incredible tank and air craft army, upgrade your troops, destroy and conquer all enemy bases in this massive real time strategy war game!

Use your mouse to control. Move mouse to left/right/up/bottom screen to scroll the map. Click on your base to open building menu, build: barrack, mine, factory, and runway. Click on factory to build the army. Press E or UP to select all units, Press SPACEBAR to unselect all units, Press Q or LEFT to move all selected unit back to base, Press AWDS to scroll the map.

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ZeroDarkGravity's avatar
ZeroDarkGravity      (more than a year ago)

Not bad

gamerswagg's avatar
gamerswagg      (more than a year ago)

Godzilla music

brightoslmon's avatar
brightoslmon      (more than a year ago)

it wont load!

ninjagrenade2's avatar
ninjagrenade2      (more than a year ago)

fu ads everywhere

Alexio's avatar
Alexio      (more than a year ago)

gmm game is ok

KritZaZa's avatar
KritZaZa      (more than a year ago)

very fun and exciting

trentfire511's avatar
trentfire511      (more than a year ago)

Could get a lot of improvement, got the basics pretty much down though

awesome234's avatar
awesome234      (more than a year ago)

just 3 comments really and just 4414 Plays

Nuzzlerz's avatar
Nuzzlerz      (more than a year ago)

Nice game but you get mad a lot -.- But over all it was challenging I loved it good game.

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