Clash of the Races 2 Hacked

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Oct 22, 2014 27858 Plays Arcade 1.16 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press: Q Upgrade Points - W Base Health - E Money - R Instant Win - T Special Ready - Z Instant Build every building unit

Game Information
This is a clash between Ghost, Cyborg, Alien and Human, select your race and battle with others, show that you are the best race in the world!

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kirbyrulesniga's avatar
kirbyrulesniga      (more than a year ago)

BOW!!! is soooooo OP!

HACKLING's avatar
HACKLING      (more than a year ago)

If you look at the race next to the humans. Its obviously black brown edit over the eyes
I can see it out of texture

TheHackingJudge's avatar
TheHackingJudge      (more than a year ago)

i wod take this game as.... least popular

gfeary's avatar
gfeary      (more than a year ago)

this game sucks
you select a team you just basically arent the same species with your team
what the fck is that

EggstraEggciting's avatar
EggstraEggciting      (more than a year ago)

When I saw the game was developed by belugerin I knew this was going to be good! Belugerin developed battle gear series!

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