Dangerous Adventure 2 Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Aug 20, 2016 86493 Plays Adventure 36.89 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Turns - 3 Money - 4 Exp - 5 Colors

Game Information

Seeking work and adventure, you have traveled to a small settlement on the border of the state. You are greeted in Northwill by a beam of light from the window of a local tavern where adventurers can find a hot meal and simple tasks given by some of the locals. So let's start your dangerous adventure!

Build and level a team of heroes each with their own unique skills that will help you navigate the levels. Match colored stones in battle to cause damage and gain mana. Collect items, equipment and spells to help you discover all of the secrets of the land!

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Dogr's avatar
Dogr      (more than a year ago)

In the recruitment tent, (bottom tent), it says loading data...

You should really fix that, unless my computer just is horrible...

OdecaNebur's avatar
OdecaNebur      (more than a year ago)

fix your game .. should be no problems at all .. just fix it

jackwilson24's avatar
jackwilson24      (more than a year ago)

this game always crash... and my pc is decent...

Lazybones67's avatar
Lazybones67     (more than a year ago)

nah you probably have a windows 7 potato pc P

superboy26124's avatar
superboy26124      (more than a year ago)


CamJGia02's avatar
CamJGia02      (more than a year ago)

It's is an amazing game but everytime I complete a level It gave me infinity cards

wwung90's avatar
wwung90      (more than a year ago)

i have not used the exp hack and i experience zero lag!!!!

in the past i did use the exp hack and it lagged and crashed cuz I receiving all level up notices for my characters which lagged my computer and caused it to crash!!!!

Yes go for it!!!!

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

a NULL loop is when a script has no idea what to do and causes a loop to fix itself
of course it cant do that because scripts cant debug themselves so it leads to a laggy softlock or a crash. it also only happens with guis

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

which leaves the corrupted save. it can also crash your computer if its too weak to handle that kind of lag which usually leads to a bluescreen

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

if it does not bluescreen then it runs out of memory and sometimes turns half of your screen black, if you restart to fix that nothing will be missing or corrupt, well besides maybe the save of the game

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

mainly in this game where it happens is after a battle and you won that battle.
the NULL loop happens when you select one of the characters that has a after-battle effect

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

im really trying to find a way to bypass it

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

as far as i know there is no way to bypass it besides luck.
it happens sometimes
it sometimes does not.

wwung90's avatar
wwung90     (more than a year ago)

I agree!!! I used health,turns,money, color hacks only but it did crash but i got farther than i ever did!!

I killed bear from 1st quest and a few more battles but then too many of my char leveled up w/o exp hack and .....

wwung90's avatar
wwung90     (more than a year ago)

and the too many notices of what improvements the chars received after they have leveled up crashes the computer???? at after battle screen informing u what new card u receive and battle stats

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

it crashes the computer because of the leveling up message overloading the sprite limit, this is a fatal crash due to the overloading of the sprite count limit, when it overloads the game either corrupts, removes unimportant sprites or crashes

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

it crashes when theres no slots left for the upgrade bar notification, which itself is a special sprite, and it only crashes after all the unimportant sprites are removed and are all filled with a level up notification.

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

it also intrigues me that this only happens in the hacked version, if you play the unhacked version you wont have this crash for some reason. it could be a way of the game preventing itself from being hacked, or a anti piracy system.

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

another thing is that it only happens with characters that have notifications on them, such as 10 exp or 10 loot.

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

so if its possible to get a yellow without a notification, USE IT.

P3PP3R's avatar
P3PP3R      (more than a year ago)

welp... Shockwave Flash has crashed... fun.
Thanks Jeebus!

TruthfullyGrim's avatar
TruthfullyGrim      (more than a year ago)

Is it just me or like in the second fight after I defeat the enemy I receive multiple "2% xp" from my monk, it gets really laggy, then crashes into a white screen with a "!" on it?
Does that happen to others?

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)

changing to a new tab will make shockwave crash immedeintly

doomrun598's avatar
doomrun598     (more than a year ago)

i had the exact same thing minus the white screen

doomrun598's avatar
doomrun598     (more than a year ago)

plus I'm a patient person so a waited to along time (as in was playing on my iPad) fi checked it had been over an hour so I'm just like screw that and played a different game

aus2004's avatar
aus2004     (more than a year ago)


DemonCrusher's avatar
DemonCrusher      (more than a year ago)

Amazing game!!!

PastorofMuppets's avatar
PastorofMuppets      (more than a year ago)

Really enjoying the game but the lag and occasional total fail is really spoiling it!!

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