Armored Warfare Hacked

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Nov 17, 2016 15309 Plays Arcade 36.66 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle godmode - 2 Win level

Game Information
Tank-war has started! Test your skill and accuracy and destroy all the enemy tanks. There are 9 levels.

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Hacked By: selectLOL



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StrixShaolung's avatar
StrixShaolung      (more than a year ago)

Well. . . that is a game.

MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA      (more than a year ago)

This is not the real armored warfare

presley1845's avatar
presley1845      (more than a year ago)

lol im sat here playing this game with my hands crossed like in gangnam style XD

MisterMiney's avatar
MisterMiney      (more than a year ago)

How drunk were the producers when they made this?

thederpybrony's avatar
thederpybrony      (more than a year ago)

omg who though it was a good idea to use the arrow keys and the mouse

jacobwu99's avatar
jacobwu99     (more than a year ago)

Not only that, someone also thought it was a good idea to make the game in a way so you can't shoot over rivers.

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