Developed By: DavidD
Hacked By: selectLOL
Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press S Toggle health - D Toggle hunger - F Toggle cold - A Food - E Wood
Game Information
Arrows to move/navigate menu
X to open menu and select actions
Z to cancel menu
Hunt: Get meat, in spring you don't lose hunger due to finding berries.
Chop Wood: Gather wood for building fires in winter
Build Fire: Build a fire using 2 wood, in winter fires are required to keep from freezing to death. You also only regenerate health when full health, 0 cold and near a fire.
Eat: Eat 1 meat to restore 3 hunger points.
If your health reaches 0, or if you get as cold as your remaining health you lose.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle health - [2] Toggle shield
Hacked By: selectLOL
Can you guys stop didding 8-bitters? Games are games. So, don't diss 8-bit games.
Can you stop hacking these weird 8-bit games please? I mean, it's just not good and move of them really aren't done well. So please find other games to hack.
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