Repear Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Feb 04, 2020 6507 Plays Arcade 422.44 KB

Developed By: superkahuna

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press S Toggle Green Pear Hp - D Toggle Golden Repear Hp

Game Information
This game was created as during Global Game Jam 2000. The theme was "repair".
The player's characters are the green Pear and the golden Repear. The Pear has 8 way movement and can shoot with 'x' button. The Pear always shoots toward the Repaer. The Repear is engaged with the 'y' button. While engaged, the Repear repairs the pear and can be moved. The Repear does not shoot, but can be moved to avoid being hit by the ememies. The enemies are the red Vampears and the Pearwolves. The Vampears target the Pear and the Pearwolfs target the Repear. The health bars are at the top the of screen. The top one is the Pear, the bottom one is the Repear and they are color to match. If the Repear is damaged or destroyed, run over a pickup to restore some of it's heath. Both the Pear and the Repear can collect the health pickup.

The game is over when Pear's health reaches zero.

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Emperorcharizar's avatar
Emperorcharizar      (more than a year ago)

angry pear

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

really dumb and bad music

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