Hacked By: XxDarknessAngelx
Hack Information:
Money, lives and HP
Game Information
An armada of alien squadrons is spotted in Earth's atmosphere. Now there is only one last insane resort - to gather all veteran fighter pilots and launch a direct assault on the alien armada before it reaches Earth.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Minerals - [2] Gas - [3] Toggle mothersh...
Hacked By: selectLOL
what are the controls?
roflcopter3398 u are fu ck in gay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
why every time i play a game and look at the comments every one is talking about justin beaver? its like all of these nerds are jealous and gay for him...
Why the hell r u mentioning him then r u jealous and gay 4 him
hack toss the turtle
thumbs up if you think this game is gay and u thing the creator f.ucks himself/herself(ya never no)evry day
ic say thumbs up!
hi my name is lustin bieber my nickname is Gay, my middle name is b1tch,or u can just call me bottom.I sing gay songs,and i have a small d1ck
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