Flash Empires Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 04, 2008 25071 Plays Strategy 1.05 MB

Hacked By: mathewthe2    

Hack Information:
999999 gold, 999999 castle health. 999999 kills, 999999 castle skills

Game Information
Build defenses and armies. Then battle your many enemies! Don't be fooled by their soft appearance.

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UmAssassino's avatar
UmAssassino      (more than a year ago)

Red Tower remember something... (lenny face)

TackYourFace9099's avatar
TackYourFace9099      (more than a year ago)

p e n I s

AmyRickson's avatar
AmyRickson      (more than a year ago)

Why does Chuck Lee towers MOVE?...Their towers, They shouldn't move. x)

armydude's avatar
armydude      (more than a year ago)

pack man must have clones o.0

AmyRickson's avatar
AmyRickson      (more than a year ago)

I just don't know why Pacman is not fat. I mean like, He always has many games and he eats alot but he's still thin! D:

blackstripes's avatar
blackstripes     (more than a year ago)

Hmm... Maybe it's his shape. I mean, take Kirby for example. He eats (Well, sucks it in, anyways,) and doesn't get fat. Or just that kirby has Pacman technology.

AuburnAttack21's avatar
AuburnAttack21      (more than a year ago)

You all can thank me for requesting this game.

Lukeschroeder's avatar
Lukeschroeder      (more than a year ago)

they... like... wow. like... just wow.

cncfan's avatar
cncfan      (more than a year ago)

muwahahahaha pac-man with all towers shooting the speed of a straight line of yellow(black tower) im imortal all thanxs to the hacker thank you. pac-man dominates all

toiletking113's avatar
toiletking113      (more than a year ago)

packman pwner

asddder's avatar
asddder      (more than a year ago)

chuck lee combine from bruce lee and chuck norris

hacky2's avatar
hacky2     (more than a year ago)


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