Hacked By: MattHacker
Hack Information:
Unlimited Ammo and Grenades
Game Information
Winter has fallen, but you must fight the cold and the Nazis to reclaim the glorious city of Stalingrad. Don't let any fascists pass!
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode - [2] Add money
Hacked By: selectLOL
Japanese: Kamikaze! BANZAI!
American: 'MURICA
British: For king and country!
Russian: For the motherland!
German: Sieg heil!
better add a german version for this game
i think officers are only used to increase the damage of soldiers
Btw there needs to be a hack where the troops you have never die O-o.
there should be a hack where the soldiers show up instantly
and where you have infinite soldiers
This game inspired me to make a comic book for this game.
German = fatherland
Soviet Russia = motherland
British = king and country
USA = ???
The Shamefull...
the rebel child
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