Hacked By: Alkemyst
Hack Information:
999 moves, Pressing the "give up?" button skips to next board.
Game Information
Drive each colored car into their corresponding parking zones. A car can only be moved if it is facing an empty zone. Each level allows a maximum of 50 moves. Beating the level in as few moves as possible will result in a better score. You will proceed to the next board when all the cars are parked in same colored parking zones.
Controls: Click on a car to make it drive to a free parking zone.
*BugFix* Skipping board 40 brings you back to board 1 instead of keeping on showing infinite boards with no roads.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle hunger - [2] Toggle godmode
Hacked By: selectLOL
y was this game made for bordom
lol lvl 41 suck alot lmao SUCK
Boy o boy is level 43 a head scracher!!! XD
in unhacked it nearly exploded my brain lol
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