Hacked By: Galactius
Hack Information:
Money - Abilities
Requested By: ao6238
Game Information
This is a classical RPG game. You travel from town to town on the map. You can go to the market, fight evil creatures and do other things in every location. Although the locations are represented by very nice illustrations, these are about all the graphics you will see in the game. Most actions are done from UI menus and enemies are not seen during the fight.
Tested by:
Stan (a friend of mine)
try to duel me im level 44
Thmubs up if you agree Grind Quest Censored!!
wow i requested a grindquest censored
Good game,i'm waiting for the hacked grindquest expansion
Guys, if there is a white screen, right click and press forward.
Hack the resting time and make it 5 seconds.
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