Turret Defence Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Nov 21, 2010 12719 Plays Defence 3.5 MB

Hacked By: roflmao987    

Hack Information:
Health hack (can be turned on/off) - Heat hack (on/off) - Damage Hack (on/off) - All Weapons Hack - Suicide hack

Game Information
The objective of this game is to protect your territory from the enemy forces, by staying alive for as long as you can while shooting the enemies. To complete your mission, you must survive against their attacking machines, tanks, trucks and soldiers. Try to keep an eye on the health status and be accurate in shooting your enemies otherwise they will approach you.

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MrCrew's avatar
MrCrew      (more than a year ago)


killy190X's avatar
killy190X      (more than a year ago)

Hello. My name is u know wat! I just wanted to say tht the ppl with no comments do hav comments. Just click the SHOW button. AND **** U HACKERS. I mean the ones tht hack the comments.------------------------------This comment wil expire in 2 seconds.

wooot143's avatar
wooot143      (more than a year ago)

mga ulol

roden1's avatar
roden1      (more than a year ago)

hey guys thumbs up if you played epic war thumbs down if your gay!

farwaaay's avatar
farwaaay      (more than a year ago)


DEADLEE's avatar
DEADLEE      (more than a year ago)

roflmao should be a moderator..thumbs up if u agree, too.

xdarkage's avatar
xdarkage      (more than a year ago)

i meant to say good game

aznvietshrty23's avatar
aznvietshrty23      (more than a year ago)

the trucks always crash into eachother

king jon's avatar
king jon      (more than a year ago)

OK? u r totally gay

cheeseburger404's avatar
cheeseburger404      (more than a year ago)

awesome game man yur my idol

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