Hacked By: Blank
Hack Information:
Airship has more health -- Enemies drop triple gold
Requested By: Joe1234567892
Game Information
Islands of Empire is something of a backwards tower defence. The player controls the creep (the fleet of ships) and a Hero unit the player must keep alive during each stage. The ships persist from round to round, so damage accumulated in one level will be there for the next. A ship lost in one round is gone forever, if the player chooses not to replay the level. By defeating enemy ships and forts the player accumulates gold which can be spent between levels to repair the Hero unit and any ships in the player's fleet. Each of the 12 levels (except the first, tutorial level) is procedurally generated. Although if a player chooses to replay a level they will play the same one and not get a new map. The game gets progressively harder as you get closer to the last level, but the rewards are much greater.
Controls: Mouse
Note: The game is glitchy, not the hack. If you want to finish this game, be sure you allow it to save. There are a number of glitches, from the original game, that could force you to reload the game. One such glitch is a generated level with no possible path to the goal.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Gold +500 - [2] Experience +500 - [3] Win...
Hacked By: cilibiudragos
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle Jump - [2] Win Level
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle Godmode (Immovable Cpu - NOTE: Do...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle health - [2] Toggle lives
Hacked By: selectLOL
my ship can travel over land! maybe it flies rofl :)
That is what an airship is supposed to do dumbass.
Seriously, couln'd you really add more cash hack into it? To bad.
onn lvl 4 flagship didnt spwn :D lol
SUPER FLEET! Since I had already beat the game before, I decided to have some FUN! I selected CONTINUE from the MAIN MENU and then created the most TWISTY WAY-PATH that I could make (i.e. take the REALLY LONG WAY HOME). After running my FLEET at 3X speed I used my AIRSHIP to SEARCH AND DESTROY any remaining ENEMY. Guess waht... I DID NOT FIND ANY! Again Great Game!
That was so much FUN that I DID IT AGAIN. Ran my SUPER FLEET on even a MORE TWISTY PATH then before and just like the first time I got HOME with LITTLE OR NO DAMAGE and NO LOST SHIPS!
You're so enthusiastic about a stupid flash ga,e?
Wow. My hat's off to you.
Hey! If you going to take the time to PLAY THE GAME OFFERINGS ON AHP then you might as well HAVE FUN DOING IT! I like APH because you don't know what new GREAT GAME or SPECTACULAR IDIOTOTIC WASTE OF TIME OFFERING will appear. Either way, I vist APH a LOT! Great WEBSITE!
Yep.. The problem of Game stopping after after destroying something has been noted before. Just REFRESH BROWSER.
what r u guys winging about i have enough money to buy the most expensive upgrade after level 3
I AGREE! You only need 33000 GOLD to buy EVERY UPGRADE so a HACK for INFINATE GOLD is simply POINTLESS!
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