Over The Border Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Feb 08, 2011 18731 Plays Action 9.44 KB

Hacked By: Blank    

Hack Information:
999999 Starting Gold

Game Information
You are a Mexican bandito, and must escape to America. But first you must find a way to get over the border alive. Upgrade your Mexican powers to improve your chances of making it.

Mouse - Aim and Shoot
Spacebar - Activate Tequila Time
Q&E - Rotate Left/Right
A&D - Speed Up/Slow Down
R - Retry

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IHateThisChannel's avatar
IHateThisChannel      (more than a year ago)

Not dust s h i t

IHateThisChannel's avatar
IHateThisChannel      (more than a year ago)


molten130's avatar
molten130      (more than a year ago)

AWW I WANTED 2 SEE HIS flabbergastation!

mre16's avatar
mre16      (more than a year ago)

Mr.President, we have a flying alien headed towards the U.S. border incoming from Mexico, it has kill hundreds of local Police and even our special agents, his name is Padre, hes currently naked, shooting a shotgun, and drinking Tequila.

SGCorps's avatar
SGCorps     (more than a year ago)

uhh yeahhhh you mean knoked out?

SUPERSCIOLI      (more than a year ago)

thumbs up if you want a health hack

fluffy77486's avatar
fluffy77486      (more than a year ago)

this is classic

Masmium's avatar
Masmium      (more than a year ago)

Lolz if you type your name as Puppets Master, just click and drag your Mexican, if there were news about this it would go like, reports say that there has been a flying mexican, lolz

cybertron86's avatar
cybertron86      (more than a year ago)

about the dumbest bandito ive ever herd of if he starts all over again at 10000 mi.

BulletDuDe's avatar
BulletDuDe      (more than a year ago)

Time in Dead man walking as ur name and u will be invicible(can't die)

natedoggg's avatar
natedoggg      (more than a year ago)

in the 1960's the Mexicans swam over the boarder now they launch over the boarder lol

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