Arcade Prehacks


Type: Posts; User: Semeral

Search: Search took 0.00 seconds; generated 34259 minute(s) ago.

  1. when I mean by random I mean 35% it works...

    when I mean by random I mean 35% it works properly but 65% of the time it doesn't work. so then I have to repeatedly spawn in new turrets until I get new turrets that are able to be affected by the...
  2. Enigmata: Stellar War hacks dont work all the time

    When I play Enigmata:Stellar War and use the EXP and the Toggle HP hacks, they sometimes don't work. can you fix this?
  3. Replies

    Is it possible to rehack something?

    I'm not saying this as a question but as a suggestion. so, the rules say that you cant rehack something right? when was the last time the rules were updated? from my perspective it seems that those...
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