Paper Don't Move Hacked

lightbutton Play Paper Don't Move Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Jun 09, 2011 7431 Plays Shooting 34.54 KB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Hackbar: QRefill Health - WTimer Off - ETimer On - Ammo - Free Stuffs on the Shop

Game Information
This is the paper mania where all those papers decided to attack you. Be sure to kill as many as you can so you can upgrade your gun and have more power. Have fun.

  • Currently 2.5/5
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gameman02's avatar
gameman02      (more than a year ago)

boring and stupid make it more fun stupid hacker

ryandu101's avatar
ryandu101      (more than a year ago)

y does paper hurt u?

legolover12's avatar
legolover12     (more than a year ago)


coleby's avatar
coleby      (more than a year ago)

amo gos up when shot.

radbad's avatar
radbad      (more than a year ago)

i guess teh game is okk...but it makes me scared to go to bathroom

onyourway's avatar
onyourway      (more than a year ago)

stupid game its boring

Cooldude901's avatar
Cooldude901      (more than a year ago)

cool game but it took bout 10 min to load for me so thats the only let down, other then that, it's perfection

firecar34's avatar
firecar34      (more than a year ago)

i dont get it 101010101010 said boring and got rated down but mc mufinman said boring but got rated up

firecar34's avatar
firecar34      (more than a year ago)

i mean gun and this is on the firs page evr on this game and good game

firecar34's avatar
firecar34      (more than a year ago)

so bacicly theres toilet paper running around and frowing itelf (it rips a piece of its self off andfrowing it at u em by the way y are u useing a gin and is it posable for paper to hurt u XD )

stijn127's avatar
stijn127      (more than a year ago)

Why do they make games like this one

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