Dream Symphony Hacked

lightbutton Play Dream Symphony Unhacked

Game & Hack Information

Oct 17, 2012 7752 Plays Arcade 40.23 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle lives - 2 Nyan cat - 3 Muse mode - 4 Freeze enemies - 5 Money

Game Information
Its a music game with 30 types of animals, 4 completely different locations, a lot of sounds and 4 epic ingame tracks.

  • Currently 4/5
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4.10  based on 10 votes. Game or hack broken? Report it.
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supahpoo50's avatar
supahpoo50      (more than a year ago)

anyone else get troll sheep?

mewmaster's avatar
mewmaster      (more than a year ago)

NYAN CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol

runeblade96's avatar
runeblade96      (more than a year ago)

"sees neon cat" I MUST PLAY THIS GAME!!!

Skull2knight's avatar
Skull2knight      (more than a year ago)

All i did was use nyan cat all the way xD

NVASoldier's avatar
NVASoldier      (more than a year ago)

5/5 only because Nyan Cat

NVASoldier's avatar
NVASoldier      (more than a year ago)

I just flied with Nyan Cat through the game, thats awesome.

SumGuy888's avatar
SumGuy888      (more than a year ago)

came for the nyan. stayed for the cat.

MrEpicSqueaky101's avatar
MrEpicSqueaky101      (more than a year ago)

People are angry.

Smurfen's avatar
Smurfen      (more than a year ago)

I love SelectLOL!

somecoolguy's avatar
somecoolguy     (more than a year ago)

nyanynannyannyannyannyannyannyannyanynannyannyanny nannyannyannyannyan CAT!


somecoolguy's avatar
somecoolguy     (more than a year ago)

turn sound up and sing along while riding nyan cat. nynannyannyannyannynanynanynanyanynanynanynannyann yannyannyannyannyannyannyannyannayannyan

destroyer2super's avatar
destroyer2super      (more than a year ago)

just fine

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