Hacked By: SandSpur
Hack Information:
Press 1 for 9999 health
Game Information
Welcome back Sir! The War is coming. We're counting on you. Defend us from the aliens. God Speed.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle health - [D] Toggle energy - [F] ...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Its funny when people try really hard to make a game to impress everyone,but they mess up on one end, in this case the STORY, and then it becomes the most boring piece of crap that anyone will play. I mean COME ON!
superb graphics
How to make it say help out:
Move the mouse fast on the "Help" button and on the "About" button XD and there you have it! Idiotic huh?
Isn't it?
its got good graphics awsome hack to but the game itself sucks
VERY POOR DEFENSE GAME! While the graphics are great, and the sound is ok, this game is a BIG WASTE OF TIME. I laughed when I clicked HELP and GOT NO HELP! This game is SO BAD that AFTER 220 KILLS when you are allowed use the BIGGEST BADDEST WEAPON (Judgement Cannon), and after a VERY LONG ARMING delay, this weapon did little or no damage! Game 1/5, Hack 5/5.
well this sucks
LOL - The Captain giving the "briefing" is named after a "Lie Detector". I guess he missed the LIE about this being a GREAT GAME! :-D
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