Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Add 100 Bonus Health - 2 Skill Points +10 - 3 Level +1 - 4 Cash +1000 (See 3 Notes Below!)
Game Information
Build up your character and make sure your powerful enough to combat the enemies you face in turns.
(1) For the Skill Points & Bonus Health hacks, click them then buy a skill to update both. You can also use the Bonus Health during a fight, then use a Health Bar to update it. (After at least one fight.)
(2) After using the level hack, buy any skill to update your stats. Or use it during a battle and it will update afterwards!
(3) The default max level for your player is 15. Going over that will possibly make the game too easy.
pokemon rip off
i found a death star on fellashow on his shell
this game very good
Hes not dead ppl . He just quit this site. But I know some fool is going to say "Oh I know hes dead because....."
Oh i know hes dead cuz hes ded {lol im saying this to look stupid}
ludettes look makes me puke
Dont Hate but actually SelectLol Is Doing Cool Games too But you just dont notice And DPETTY might not be the best because that is your opinion
is there a stats max?
wtf i jump
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