Gunball 2 Hacked

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Nov 28, 2011 259534 Plays Shooting 38.76 KB

Hacked By: selectLOL       

Hack Information:
Hackbar: Press 1 Toggle health - 2 Toggle energy - 3 Money - 4 Skill points

Game Information
Your goal is to destroy the evil emperor.Collect money and defeat the enemies on your journey.

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4589 plays                       

Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle health - [D] Flowers

Hacked By: selectLOL



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youhavehacks's avatar
youhavehacks      (more than a year ago)

Steps fur multi-defense
Step 1: Buy a Cruiser ball
Step 2: Surround yourself with grinders (If you have the emperor fist, equip it on the front)
Step 3: Spam the "Energy Skill" skill
Step 4: You killed the emperor Step 5: Have fun with the fist

sammyman9000's avatar
sammyman9000      (more than a year ago)

not sure why you cloned the game and just called it gunball 2 but ok

slopegameslopex's avatar
slopegameslopex      (more than a year ago)

slope game lucas wilde has a good graphic and nice dynamics

EatPant's avatar
EatPant      (more than a year ago)

best way to win the game:
1. buy a razor ball
2. buy 4 grinders and put around you
3. use jump strike skill (toggle energy on)
4. spam the space key in the battle 5. done

EatPant's avatar
EatPant      (more than a year ago)

emp is better than multi one

LuvWHG4's avatar
LuvWHG4      (more than a year ago)

or you could just sit there and watch the enemies die...

LuvWHG4's avatar
LuvWHG4      (more than a year ago)

Here's an idea, you can get a cruiser ball and surround it with grinders and get some armored robots as well, and you've got a beast, almost impossible to penetrate with swords

TheKiller5009's avatar
TheKiller5009      (more than a year ago)


DamnMrv's avatar
DamnMrv      (more than a year ago)

hell yeah this game so cool like if you agree

RedCreep155890's avatar
RedCreep155890      (more than a year ago)

A tip for incredibly fast money,
1: press 3

TheKiller5009's avatar
TheKiller5009     (more than a year ago)

Wow thanks for the tip xD

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