Cosmic Crush Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Feb 04, 2010 46629 Plays Action 626 B

Hacked By: Xnite       

Hack Information:
Zoom out hack - Press 2 to zoom out - Press 3 to zoom out even more - Press 1 for normal zoom

Requested By: deathnote202

Game Information
Gobble up asteroids and planets to evolve and become the largest super Nova in the galaxy.

Just don't take on the big guys until you are bigger then them. Only pick on the little guys. Jeeez what a wuss?

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Jimmygaming279's avatar
Jimmygaming279      (more than a year ago)


Danlig's avatar
Danlig      (more than a year ago)

Sorry for triple post, but this game is impossible in survival. Those who claim to "win" on survival lie.

Danlig's avatar
Danlig      (more than a year ago)

Wow I set new record for myself, 31.23. I think this game isn't made to grow on survival, but to see how long you can last there before you get sucked by those suns.

Danlig's avatar
Danlig      (more than a year ago)

Wow, been playing for 2 or 3 hours and my record is still around 28 on survival. Great game

Nubenoob's avatar
Nubenoob      (more than a year ago)

( For this game at least ONLY )

taydp9805's avatar
taydp9805     (more than a year ago)


tolyam's avatar
tolyam      (more than a year ago)

:c i feel cant complete to black hole

bob1234567's avatar
bob1234567      (more than a year ago)

Gravitys one mean mother.....

Bob514's avatar
Bob514      (more than a year ago)

any one else reminded of that episode from invader zim where mars is actually a giant space ship?

sirmentio's avatar
sirmentio      (more than a year ago)

Ok what the heck, you on survival mode, then you notice your floating along then you see A Practical Gang of Giant suns with gravities conbined that make it impossible to escape it, the Programmer of this game needs to fix the survival mode :/.

Megedragon's avatar
Megedragon      (more than a year ago)

Wait so if i get 2 a yellow planet and a green one comes towards me i get killed by it?

iahmed786's avatar
iahmed786     (more than a year ago)

When you become a star, there are SOME planets bigger than you are. it's like that classic game called "Fishy".

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