Twin Towers 2 Hacked

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Oct 20, 2015 61322 Plays Defence 869 B

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Key hacks: 1 Upgrade Points - 2 Health - 3 More Power To Have More Weapons

Game Information
Protect two skyscraper twin towers with 20 weapons slot from hundreds of enemy waves!

Move mouse to edge of screen to scrolling the battlefield, click start wave to start the waves. All weapons are automatically fires, protect your tower from both sides, left and right, upgrade power plant to supply power to your turrets, buy and upgrade turrets and place maximum of two weapons, including guns, missiles, rockets and rapid cannons!

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LtCorbin's avatar
LtCorbin      (more than a year ago)

legit :-[

Fireshot's avatar
Fireshot      (more than a year ago)

Don't blame the hacker. Blame the person who made the game itself. Although I am pretty sure they don't mean to offend anyone.

DeltaAviator's avatar
DeltaAviator      (more than a year ago)

It's a great game for killing time. I would suggest changing the name of it though, some people might find it offensive due to the 9/11 disaster.

JoeJoeJRW4W's avatar
JoeJoeJRW4W     (more than a year ago)

Very True

HackBawss's avatar
HackBawss      (more than a year ago)

Great name choice :o

AchievementHack's avatar
AchievementHack      (more than a year ago)

Misleading name, got excited for no reason.

henrydimaggio's avatar
henrydimaggio      (more than a year ago)

I hate the name of this game my dad died in the twin towers

TheGameKiller412's avatar
TheGameKiller412      (more than a year ago)

This game is boring :P

Quickscope's avatar
Quickscope      (more than a year ago)

lol, Thanks for the Haxz! :D

MrUSA's avatar
MrUSA      (more than a year ago)

okay,this sounds like a offensive game to people who experienced 9/11 because this game is called "Twin Towers"

sherbit2004's avatar
sherbit2004      (more than a year ago)

this is a pretty good game if you ask me

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