Table Tanks Hacked


Game & Hack Information

Mar 28, 2018 37655 Plays Shooting 1.67 MB

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Ammo

Game Information
Table Tanks is a action strategy game where your wits and reflexes are tested.

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Themoocow0's avatar
Themoocow0      (more than a year ago)

I just got an even better time with 4:01.62
This game is really fun and fast. I play it when my other games are loading, intending to just get in a level or two, but then I get pulled in and I can't stop. Really cool.

Themoocow0's avatar
Themoocow0      (more than a year ago)

Get on my level!
I got 9:17.95
(not to be rude or anything)

Themoocow0's avatar
Themoocow0     (more than a year ago)

sorry, it wasn't 9:17.95. typing error. it's actually 4:17.95.

serio's avatar
serio      (more than a year ago)

beat 8:02:98

pandaplayzyyt's avatar
pandaplayzyyt      (more than a year ago)

finsh it

FrostieZombie's avatar
FrostieZombie      (more than a year ago)

try to beat 6:43.25

Andrej134234's avatar
Andrej134234      (more than a year ago)

out of ammo even though i still have ammo

Themoocow0's avatar
Themoocow0     (more than a year ago)

press 1 to toggle keyhack

FrostyArcher's avatar
FrostyArcher      (more than a year ago)

Oh lol didnt read the key hack and completed it in 28 minutes 45 seconds. Went again with cheats, completed it in 6 minutes 45 seconds. Tip: getting 2 max bullets is useless if you will cheat

FrostyArcher's avatar
FrostyArcher      (more than a year ago)

Nice and simple game. I like the pixelated design.

sigma160's avatar
sigma160      (more than a year ago)

not bad some of the upgrades are good especially large rubber bullets

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