Hacked By: Alkemyst
Hack Information:
Translated into English - 10x starting points; press "B" key to recharge Battery; "A" to refill Air; "D" for full Durability (repairing all damages); "F" to remove Flood water; "X" to toggle X-Rudder; "T" to toggle Tiles (acoustic); Continued Below!
Game Information
Hack Info Continued: "P" to get full Polymer; "M" to get full Masker; "S" to change Screw (propeller) type; "H" to change Hull shape; "E" to change main Engine type; "I" to change auxiliary engine type; "1" to get M48 torpedoes; "2" to get M46 torpedoes; "3" to get decoy torpedoes.
Control the submarine after you have purchased its pieces. Dive and surface as you launch torpedoes at enemies.
Note:Translation done using Google and BabelFish (Yahoo!) translators. Translation isn't perfect but is understandable. Only the items buying screens are not translated in the game. The information in them is given below.
Hull type:
Tear Drop shaped: Low resistance; High efficiency; Inside space 100; Arsenal space 100.
Cigar shaped: High resistance, Low efficiency; Inside space 200; Arsenal space 160.
Bow Plane type: Intermediate efficiency; Inside space 160; Arsenal space 130.
Power Plant:
Diesel Engine: It is necessary to surface to periscope depth to turn on the engine for battery charging. Silent navigation by battery. Takes 35 blocks of ship's inside space.
Stirling Engine: Can charge battery without requiring the ship to surface. Due to low power output cannot be used as main power. Takes 25 blocks of ship's inside space.
Nuclear Reactor: Can supply unlimited electric power. Large noise of the reactor. Takes 50 blocks of ship's inside space.
Propeller Screw:
Normal Screw: High efficiency; Large noise.
High Skewed Screw: Intermediate efficiency; Medium noise.
Pump-Jet: Low efficiency; Low noise.
Custom Improvements:
Masker: Warship body is wrapped in a bubble, isolating it and preventing detection by passive enemy torpedoes. Takes 20 blocks of ship's inside space.
Polymer: Warship body is wrapped in a macromolecule polymer, increasing the speed by reducing friction with the sea. Takes 30 blocks of ship's inside space.
Acoustic Tiles: Reduce SONAR reflections, thus preventing detection by active enemy torpedoes. Ship's weight is increased and speed decreased.
X-Rudder: Increases durability of rudder and improves underwater vehicle dynamics.
MK48 torpedo takes 5 blocks of arsenal space.
MK46 torpedo takes 3 blocks of arsenal space.
Decoy torpedo takes 3 blocks of arsenal space.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle Energy - [2] Ammo
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle health - [2] ...
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Toggle godmode
Hacked By: selectLOL
Thank you, that's all I can say for this super awesome game !!!
can u rlly find a giant squid??????
that would be sooooooooooo cool...but nope
btw im crazy sajko....i had problems with my e-mail so now i have this nickname."dami" is and addition to nickname as my real name (Damjan)
im going to search it in the deep
i suggest having a 2 vs 2 battle would be cool 1 teammate 2 enemy and missions too the one were you escort merchant ships against enemy or hunt down enemy merchant ships
the max you can go in the deep is 500.ZOMFG A GIANT SQUID!!!!!!!!
lol im afraid to go in the deep...i feel like a giant squid will grab me or something
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