Forest Warrior Hacked

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Game & Hack Information

Nov 26, 2010 6309 Plays Action 916 B

Hacked By: leverage419    

Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle HP - 2 - Toggle Lives 3Toggle Bombs

Game Information
Dracula is destroying the forest and it is up to you to stop him! Play through 3 levels and 3 bosses full of action packed sidescrolling goodness!

This is a fun little game I decided to make using sprites from an old SNES/N64 game called Mystical Ninja. As you can see, I rushed on a lot of things, but the game is still fun! Sorry for any bugs. Also, the first boss IS possible to hurt without using bombs. Think about it. Another small hint: use hit-and-run tactics on the guards or else they will hit you in between attacks. Have fun!

Also, you get more lives and bombs at the end of each level depending on your score. Instructions are in the intro.

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Srijan's avatar
Srijan      (more than a year ago)

Good olden day sprites and ninja stories,plus an intense platforming backround and long-pondered on bosses and enemies,the only thing I ask for for is MORE LEVELS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

..or part 2.

sweethome121's avatar
sweethome121      (more than a year ago)

i remeber these sprites when i was younger =P good ol days :D

sweethome121's avatar
sweethome121      (more than a year ago)

does anyone know the song? i know the first one :D

captin cake's avatar
captin cake      (more than a year ago)

someone hack Orc Assault

adventureslayer's avatar
adventureslayer      (more than a year ago)

i just told the admin D Petty to F off

AngelsOnline's avatar
AngelsOnline      (more than a year ago)

I like the "Eye of the Tiger" theme at the back.

bombbombbomb's avatar
bombbombbomb      (more than a year ago)

its a cool game but on lvl 2 hacks out

madosuki's avatar
madosuki      (more than a year ago)

its kinda impossible
just kinda

LuckStealer98's avatar
LuckStealer98      (more than a year ago)

the bomb is unlimited at level 1.But in level 2,the bomb is limited.

DemonicWarr's avatar
DemonicWarr      (more than a year ago)

actually my health "was" going down on level 2 but "is" infinite on levels 1 and 3 for some odd reason so i dont think it should be listed lol(someone might whine about it :P)

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