Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Always 899999 Mana & Gold for all Modes - Fast Unit Build Time :)
Game Information
Enemies are invading your kingdom, and the defense is your army of mages! Armed with wisdom, you'll need to think fast and change strategy faster to stop dozens of types of enemies, including biggest danger for your people - huge Cyclops!
Cheats: Hackbar: [1] Warp to Home - [2] Warp to ...
Hacked By: Blank
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [6] Toggle Health - [7] ...
Hacked By: leverage419
cna someone hack "The Great War of Prefectures" please and thumbs up is dave petty IS EPIC
Finally people who agrees that the game freezes on the third battle.. I wonder if the people who rated this hack actually played the game.. If the game fails, the hack fails, the rating should be void..
freezes before battle 3 when you click the "to battle" button
bandit:don't put me on fire psl!
king:oh...i won't never do such a thing...
king:but the fire mage will!
Confirmed.. hangs when you try to play the 3rd battle..
Battle 2 I tried to attack Italy but the game freezes as I tried to click on the Start Battle Button.. Please address the problem..
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