Hacked By: DPETTY
Hack Information:
Build one Power Plant and gain Huge Amounts of money on both modes ! -- And sorry but money is the only hack that I could give you because you play both sides ! So it would hurt you when you play the renegade missions !
Requested By: darkzero1000
Game Information
Renegade Commanders is a full scale 3D Real Time Strategy that brings the in-depth artificial intelligence of computer games to the online flash community. Construct buildings, train units, and destroy the enemy! Game includes a tutorial mission, 6 GDA missions, 6 Renegade missions, and a slew of skirmish battle variations.
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [1] Invincible - [2] Constant Rage - [3] All...
Hacked By: leverage419
why not insta build
fix the bug where he the bad guy kills you wat are you suposed to do not biuld any factorys
i almost finished a level but all my building exploded and i lost the level this game is ridged
GDA more like GDI from command and conquer or GTA (it sounds like G-T-A)
I think I know y we all get blown up at mission :shun the non-believers",general Bain is always saying "u seem to b holding back the cash,plan on spending it on something else",its because we have TOO MUCH MONEY,try lowering your money
Lol when soldiers die they sometimes say "OW MY LEG!) Trololololololol
this game is somehow like Command and Conquer generals
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