Hacked By: leverage419
Hack Information:
Keyhacks: Press 1 Toggle Cash (100k)- 2 Toggle Cash (1m)
Game Information
Hardware Tycoon is a free simulation game where you run your own hardware company, influence the market and compete with other companies to stay up-to-date or revolutionize the industry. Right now it's in early stages of development; you can only develop and distribute processors, along with researching features for it, but many more features and hardware are planned.
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Toggle health - [2] WIn level
Hacked By: selectLOL
Cheats: Hackbar: Press [1] Jet Pack - [2] Airo Basket - [3] Bunny - ...
Hacked By: leverage419
Cheats: Keyhacks: Press [S] Toggle health - [D] Toggle energy - [A] ...
Hacked By: selectLOL
I have found a way that if you hit ` then m set the money to 10-20 numbers the hit enter you will break the tax payment
I Made 194.8Million Dollars On This Game It's really fun tho
bruh i made 1 trillion
my ENIKO series went since 1983, it's very popular
If they added in a Research Points hack it would make it a 100 times better.
after reaching the end of the game, i have some tips for new players.
one, there are no more RD upgrades after the PLCC64 and the 1 um. these are the best to use but will make your product much more expensive. two, always max out marketing. (thread)
you can max out marketing more than one time before the product has finished the designing. i recommend at 1%, 50% and 75% in the designing process. that will maximize hype and the more hype you have, the higher rating, and more sales you will get
You should always keep the price for your products as low as possible, that way your sales will be the highest possible. you can only create 2 different CPU brands, so use them sparingly. i have nothing else to say so go ahead and post any more tips
Select LOL could of made more hack buttons and ONE money button. BTW select lol is awesome. im not saying leverage isn't good, im saying select LOL is better.
Dude, thay are admins, thay just hack games to keep ArcadePrechaks alive (And dont let the others like me hack games)
strange, it seems to me like tho only hackers on the site are select LOL, and leverage
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